May 15

Interview: Tanisha Katara – Blockchain and Web3 Strategist

We interviewed Tanisha Katara, an expert in blockchain governance and the Governance Innovation Specialist at Polygon Technology. In the last two years, she has also been an independent consultant to 6+ clients including Blockchain protocols, Decentralized Applications (dApps), and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). As an independent consultant, she helps her clients create strategies and products related to go-to-market, token economics, validator reputation management, governance, and decentralization. We asked Tanisha to explain concepts around blockchain and decentralization, and how these can democratize and improve AI system governance. Q: Could you tell us a bit about your background and your work with…

Latest News

AI chatbots of the dead could “digitally haunt” us forever, warns new study

Death is one of humanity’s most formidable adversaries – the one challenge we are desperate to overcome at any cost. From Ponce de Leon’s quest for the Fountain of Youth to cryogenic freezing, Silicon Valley‘s longevity obsession, and transhumanist dreams of merging with machines, there’s little humans wouldn’t do to transcend our mortal coil. Now, with AI, humanity might finally…
Apple M4
May 12

Apple unveils new M4 chip as its generative AI strategy warms up

In the high-stakes battle for AI dominance, Apple is making bold moves to assert its carefully plotted strategy. Apple recently unveiled its latest iPad Pro lineup, powered by its all-new M4 chip.  According to Apple, the M4 chip features a CPU that is 50% faster than its predecessor, the M2, while its GPU delivers a massive four times the performance.…
AI deception

Today’s AI models are actively deceiving us to achieve their goals, says MIT study

According to a new study by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), AI systems are becoming increasingly adept at deceiving us. The study, published in the journal Patterns, found numerous instances of AI systems engaging in deceptive behaviors, such as bluffing in poker, manipulating opponents in strategy games, and misrepresenting facts during negotiations. “AI systems are already capable…
May 08

AI transcription tools generate harmful hallucinations

Speech-to-text transcribers have become invaluable but a new study shows that when the AI gets it wrong the hallucinated text is often harmful. AI transcription tools have become extremely accurate and have transformed the way doctors keep patient records or…
May 08

Interview: Cinderella Amar – Web4, AI, and Blockchain evangelist

Cinderella Amar, Managing Partner of Glass Ventures—a venture capital firm specializing in Web4 projects—provided insights into the transformative potential of AI and Blockchain from an entrepreneur’s viewpoint. Although Cinderella Amar began her career in traditional finance, her trajectory shifted towards…
May 07

Microsoft reportedly building a 500B LLM called MAI-1

According to a report by The Information, Microsoft is working on a 500B parameter LLM called MAI-1 that could take on GPT-4 and Google’s Gemini models. We recently reported on Microsoft’s Phi-3 Mini family of small language models ranging from…

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